If you liked Uncharted 1 & 2 then you'll feel right at home.

User Rating: 7 | Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception PS3

Okay. Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception is a fun game but in my personal opinion it only gets a score of a 7. I just think some of the character models and worlds are bland. I think it's a fun game but there isn't that many tactics in combat, I disagree with the Gamespot editor that wrote that. You don't get to explore anything because just like the other Uncharted games, it's all set pieces. You find out more about the story then you get to a cut scene then you fight a couple guys, solve a puzzle and then keep on going. A score of 7 means they do, do some things right though. Taking down enemies is fun and some of the envirnments are really interesting. Nathan Drake is still going after treasure and he's still being attacked by guys in suits. I have to admit the game is well paced as far as action, puzzle stories are invovled. I just wish the Uncharted series would take a tip from the new TOMB RAIDER series which as far as combat goes. Weapon upgrades and some rpg elements would add an extra 10 points to this game. I just don't feel like collecting treasure should be the only cool thing you can do in this game. Also BOSS battles would be awesome instead of just waves of enemies with an occasional 'tougher' enemey thrown in the mix. Don't get me wrong you'll find fun playing Uncharted 3 but if you haven't played the new TOMB RAIDER yet I would play that one first. That's just my opinion.