Fun offline, collecting titles is addicting, and online mode can be punishing.

User Rating: 7.5 | Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 X360
The game is fun and addictive, as you try to collect titles, character endings and artwork. For offline mode, you can play Arcade, Mission, Training, or Versus modes. Galactus is a very brutal boss, and if you don't block, YOU WILL DIE.Mission mode is fun when you're bored and you earn titles for every five you complete (there's 10 total for each character) and there are achievements for completing 120,240, and 480 missions.Versus mode is simply offline versus a friend. Training mode...the title is pretty self-explanatory.Online is even more brutal than Galactus at times.When i would play a Ranked Match, as a Rookie or Amateur ranked fighter, I would be matched up with people that were 9th Judges and 9th Rangers and such. It was infuriating, i don't completely suck and im not trying to complain, but shouldn't you be fighting people your rank? That's pretty much my only complain about this game though, other than that its a pretty solid fighter.