i bought this game for 7 bucks not expecting much cause of Two Worlds 1. I was in for a treat.

User Rating: 9.5 | Two Worlds II X360
I remember Two Worlds 1 had some nice ideas and environments but it was a total wreck. I had a few extra bucks when i went to gamestop and happened to see this game for 7 bucks in the bargain bin so i thought what the heck, 7 bucks is worth quenching my interest in this game once and for all.

At first the lame character animations and movement in combat i was ready to go get my 7 bucks back. However, i decided to watch some youtube videos and dev diaries to get to the bottom as to why this game exist in the first place.

I discovered that the devs designed this game for kiddie and hardcore gamers alike. I've been playing the game like a complete noob. Thus, when i started exploring the card spell system and alchemy system the game opened up with a ton of new possibilities and i really started to dig in deep.

This games spell system makes skyrims look like it was from tinker bell land. Same goes with it alchemy system. This game has some really hardcore gaming features you just have to try out. The story isnt half bad either.

Well, don't feel bad for the south peak since i bought it used. I've spent 20 bucks in dlc already and plan to spend another 30 for the pirates xpac so they got their money out of me lol.

I will also say that not only is the world huge but it is also very very dense. Do you remember in oblvion there was those stone buffs scatter about in the world. To me they were pretty much useless cause by the time i found something to fight after i got the buff it wore off. In this world you get the same buff stones but you could spend 5 mins in that little area clearing out mobs and getting some quick drops and thus, the buff stone means something.

The crafting system is great too. Everything you kill means something now as you get mats from random junk.

I don't think this game is for everyone though. There are some people who don't like hardcore gaming experiences and like all flash and no substance. Well, for me i like it all. Once you get past the rough edges of this game there is more meat on this games bones than even skyrim. Thats coming a lot from me since i played skyrim for over 600 hours and will continue to play it.

Also, multiplayer is a lot of fun too. This game is really in a class of its own. I wish that Bethesda had south peaks ideas and innovation. This game is in a class of its own and its a must buy for RPG fans. If you haven't bought this yet then go get it NOW.