havent finished it yet but great so far

User Rating: 8.6 | Twisted Metal: Head-On PSP
At first you will see that it has an awsome opening cenimatic that really looks good on the psp with the psp's big clear screen and has a real good Cell shaded feal to the handheld twisted metal. When you get into the menu you might think well there isnt really much to offer here with only 3 choices single player multiplayer and setup hmmm simple enough. So you go into single player then you have 3 more choices story battle and survivle ok you chose story those others are simple enough to know what there like. Then the game starts to show you stuff there are many people to chose from form that clown guy to a racecar girl and you chose one. a little movie shows up that says kill others in twisted metal (well thats not a quote but pretty much thats what it says) and the game starts up and you gota kill 3 people in the ring which at first if you havent played a lot of twised metal games seams pretty hard you press foward for gas or square and double tap square for turbo O is break triangle is change weapons double tap X is jump simple enough and you can stear with the arrows or the anlog circle thing. for me this feal weird just getin used to the psp and took me a while to figure out how to get people lined up and actualy shoot um and hit um. After a while this will become better and you will get used to it and be killing up a storm. THere are cool storys and boss fights but one thing are mini games hidden in some levels that are very fun one of the mini games gave me hours of fun tryin to beat um and you soon find a lot of depth to the game. SO you Clicked multiplayer huh well you can play wireless up to 6 people good stuff or lan up to .. more than 6 people.. or INTERNET!!! if you have a wireless point and i got it working on my wirelss net in seconds and up in the lobby that is about the same as ps2 online games. You chose a regon and then look for games with low pings and lota players and have a blast online! in short this is a fun brutal fast shootum up driveing game with lota joy for endless hours. . . . . i dont spell cheak real well ;)