A hauntingly amazing game.

User Rating: 9.4 | Twisted Metal: Black PS2
'Twisted Metal: Black' is, simply put, the best car combat game ever. It's loads of fun. Story mode offers a great challenge and you are rewarded for your efforts. As you play through Story mode, you unlock movie clips for the character you're using. This alone adds to the game's replay value. The other single player modes are also really fun to play. The multiplayer is cool too. There's something really fun about having to hunt down your buddies and blow them up.

The graphics in 'TM:B' are spectacular. The effects on the battlefield all look really cool. There is a lot going on and there is never any slowdown. And the unlocked movie clips have some of the best graphics on the PS2. To really understand how great they are, you have to play the game and see for yourself.

One of the eeriest elements of the game is the music. As you do battle, there is this great music that only consumes you into the gameplay even more. And when you are isolated, the music shifts into this dark melody that makes you feel cold and alone.

'Twisted Metal: Black' is one of the darkest, eeriest games I've played. At times, it can be a bit frightening, but that just makes it even better.