Twisted Metal looks fresh and amazing, but it also taps into what makes us all love video games.

User Rating: 9.8 | Twisted Metal: Black PS2
In today's world of huge maps and hundreds of different enemies, its hard to understand how people got along with simple sidescrollers and 2d platformers. However, those games were fun. They didn't need to be complex or advanced. They were just a ton of fun to play. Look at Castlevania. Its pretty much jump and attack, with a secondary attack coming into play occasionly. Still one of the most popular franchises ever. Mario? Run and jump. That's it. Yet its still fun to play.

Twisted Metal: Black has that quality. Its simple in premise. Drive around and blow the hell out of your competition. You get some complexity when you look at all the different weapons and special abilities and when best to use them, but they all lend to that first goal. The controls are solid, if a little hard to grasp at first, but once you got it down, its really easy. The enemies are easy at first, but they grow in leaps and bounds as you get closer to the end, just like the great games of old.

The bosses are challenging. To say the least.

But what sets TMB apart is that it combines that classic game feel with advanced technology to really become a great game. Its got a compelling story which it showcases beautifully. Its got many unlockables that you have to search for. Its got a fun multiplayer mode. The characters are all fleshed out amazingly. The cars are fantastic looking and the enviroment is COMPLETELY reactive. If you shoot a building with a missle, its going to turn to rubble.

Quite put, TMB is extremely well though out and polished, so it looks and feels amazing, and is still a ton of fun. If you own a ps2, then you need this game.