A new hunt begins, and Turok is ready.

User Rating: 8.5 | Turok X360
Your Turok. One of the best of Wolf Pack, now working for Whiskey Company on the hunt for you old leader Kane.

Sure there is little more to the story but to be honest, not much more. Something happens and your ship comes crashing down to a planet filled with Dinosaurs! Kind of sounds like another Sci Fi movie that been made a few times or more called "Planet of the Dinosaurs". Plus this isn't the old Native American Turok, oh no, this Turok has been pumping iron with the guys from Gears of War. I really don't mind that, they got to update it so they can get as many new fans as possible and with a little luck, keep the old fans happy too.

I 'll get one thing out of the way, this is lots better than that Turok Evolution that was on Game Cube, Xbox and PS2. That being said, you know they didn't just rush something together and call it a game. Sure the story could of been better, but we are talking about a FPS, story doesn't matter as long as shooting everything is fun. There are a good selection of weapons in this Turok, many not as many as in past games but enough for this reboot. One attack/kill that will never get old is the stealth kills with a knife. I have countless kills on Raptors, Compys ( Or what ever they are) and Soldiers with the knife and you can even do this online! The bow is another great weapon, if a soldier is very close to a wall or tree, you can pin him there with a arrow. Since I'm talking about the soldiers, they remind me a little of the Helghast in look and speaking. Maybe it's just me?

The real stars of Turok are the Dinosaurs! They act so real, it's without a doubt the developers watched the Jurassic Park movies for ideas on the movements. I do wish there was more verity in the Dinosaurs, you mostly run into Raptors, Compys, Dilophosaurs and Tyrannosaurus. There are a one or two more, but I can't think of the names right now. Even with a small amount of Dinosaurs in this game, they do mix it up a bit by having random colors of dinosaurs. You might be killing a brown and green Raptor, but the Raptors are the only dinosaurs to have multi colors.

The Jungle Planet is beautiful, if there was no enemies, this could of been a great nature photography game. Just kidding about that, but the jungles are nice and lots open space. The game is on a set path so you can't go everywhere sadly, but there is always a feeling anything could come out of anywhere. If your having trouble a CPU partner does a good job of helping in battle. It's not the best, but better than a lot of games that stick you with a CPU partner. Turok isn't even that hard to be honest nor is it that long of a game. On the hard setting I only got stuck on a few parts but once those part where done, it was like playing on normal. Even if the game isn't long, there are three big maps for co-op and online should clock in more hours of fun.

The controls are a little different than normal FPS I've played but after a few mins, you'll be playing it like any other game. The score is great, really pumps it up for those boss battles. Turok also made me bite my own tongue! I used to hate when bosses would have a big health bar covering up the top or lower part of the screen. The second boss of the game took forever it seemed and I was almost out of ammo. I was playing on hard but I wish it would of gave me some sign I was doing damage to it when it wasn't close. Yet that made the game fun and challenging.

This new Turok is a good game, might not live up to everyone's expectations, but very rarely does a game do that. You can't please everyone. I would of loved more kinds of dinosaurs but that sequels are for! If you liked the old Turok games or FPS, think about trying Turok!