people say this is like a gta game its not that much.

User Rating: 8 | True Crime: Streets of LA PS2
okay this is much different from grand theft auto. you get a cool story line in the begining. about a crime that happend. then you will go through lots of missions but the thing is that they are all the same a driving one shooting fighting and sneaking i mean you will find it so fun for hours and hours but then the same thing reoccures over and over and get boring. the game adds cool kaorte fighting where you go take classes and use those moves in crime. you can also put on your sirens when you are driving so that like if you timed all the cars pull ou the yway making it easier. then the missions get really wierd but cool. it starts out as you going in this weird hidden drug lab that is all spooked out. then you start fighting goghst and dragons and other wake crazy things.