A solid baseball game, good for beginners or cheap gamers.

User Rating: 7.5 | Triple Play 2000 PC
Triple Play 2000 features all 30 MLB teams as of the 1999 season. You can play through an entire season, play a pickup game, battle sluggers in a Home Run derby, or play others online

The gameplay in Triple Play 2000 is very simple, following the path of many other baseball games. In order to bat, you simply swing in one of the boxes in a grid that represents the strike zone, and time it for when it crosses the plate. Nothing to simple. The pitching in the game is quite similar. Place the ball on one of the boxes in the grid, and choose the pitch you would like to be thrown. Again, nothing special. Unfortunately, the gameplay is quite repetitive and is tough to play for a full 162 game season.

The graphics, as many games were during the late 1990s, are iffy at best. The player models look rather boxy, and the advertisements on the stadium look like they were put on by an amateur photo-shopper. But there are no major flaws in the visuals, so they are bearable.

The sound is also an average feature of this game. The crowd makes decent noise, but doesn’t engross you into the game like many other sports games have been able to do over the years. The announcers are also pretty good, but like the gameplay, get repetitive after a while.

Overall, Triple Play is an average baseball game, and by now a bargain. If you are looking for a cheap baseball game on the PC, here’s your game.