I don't know why but I love this game.

User Rating: 8.1 | Trauma Center: Second Opinion WII
There's just something about this game that is very addicting. There are no other games like it, and as a long time gamer, this new experience is something that I look for often being lost in a world of redone fps and rts games. The story is quite boring, and long. Who cares about the doctor's personal troubles and battles with his career, anyway? I understand, teach the kids a lesson, but dang, are they serious? When you put that aside, the gameplay is great. It harnesses the wii controllers' capabilities, much like a laser pointer. It's a great one-time through game, and adding the other doctors operations into the game was a great idea. As fun as the DS version was, this one is way better. The GUILT strains are the same, it would have been nice for them to expand on that, but there are a few added twists. Replay value is small, once you master the operation, it's boring to do it again unless you're going for the Expert Surgeon rankings. There are no benefits for how much better you do besides point, so it only inflates your doctor ego. It can be quite difficult at times, and frustrating, which is good as you have to find quicker and more efficient ways of operating. The nunchuck controller allows you to do this way easier than the DS version.