Truama Centre: Second Opinion is throughly enjoyable from start to finish.

User Rating: 9 | Trauma Center: Second Opinion WII
The first Trauma Centre entitled “Under The Knife” came to us on the DS which I never got round to playing, when I heard that there was a Wii title coming I got pretty excited as a lot of people told me not to. Apparently it was just another quirky title that won’t last long, but it has and it’s had its high’s and its low’s for me.

The most fun thing about TC is the fact I can finally become a surgeon without having to suffer endless years at University and the likes and also the fact that my patient isn’t real and can’t actually feel anything (which is always a bonus) The first time I turned the game on it had a whole Japanese feel about it like a few of the DS titles such as Another Code or Bleach. The look of the game ties in nicely with the feel of it, music and backdrops make it heavily more appealing. The game pretty much throws you straight in the deep end as your given your first stint in the operating theatre which isn’t the easiest of op’s for your first time round if you have never played the game before, but never fear everything is clearly explained so you’re not really left scratching your head. You are given a little help in the form of a practice nurse which I found to be really helpful as she guides you as to what you have to do.

Gameplay wise you think TC will get repetitive but funnily enough it doesn’t every operation is completely different which make it more enjoyable and leaving you wanting more, on the down side TC does get very text heavy and involves a fair bit of reading but the game actually turns out to be really interesting story-wise if you bother to read it all as oppose to just skipping it and cutting right into the operating. The music works well with the game as it’s very dramatic and puts you under more pressure when the clock is counting down causing you to make more mistakes as the pressure builds. As side from that the rest is very elevator inspired.

To sum up briefly TC is a great game that gave great impressions to me, I did expect it to be a lot less appealing but I was mistaken. If you played the Ds title and liked I recommend TC: Second Opinion and if you never and are looking for something new for the Wii I recommend it.