worth the money but rent if unsure

User Rating: 8.5 | Trauma Center: Second Opinion WII
i got this today with resi4 and i cant stop playing it!

its far more addictive then the last trauma center on ds and the graphics, sound and gameplay have all been improved. it really doesnt take long to get used it unless you have played the ds version where to change the tools you have to touch them but on wii u simply use the stick on the nunchuck-its quite confusing if u r used to the ds version. what i like is that the nurse doesnt bother you that much...she only ever pops up on screen when she has to tell u how to use a new tool. also the whole procedure
is so much faster now and its easier for example tool change.

the only thing thats bad is that u have to be very persice when cutting into someone so that always takes me a while to cut it also when u are stuck on a mission it can b very frustrating to have to act quickly. but each time u do a little better until u complete the mission

if u have slow reactions and doesnt like blood, even if its mild, dnt get this game...i would say rent it first jus to get the hang of it or play the ds version