pretty good stuff.

User Rating: 8.3 | Trauma Center: Second Opinion WII
After playing the ds game which while i didnt get into it very well it was a pretty cool idea and the overall concept and was great. Now they have brought out a Wii version so i thought why not. Graphics: Not a game that relys on graphics to show its charm and it pretty much in the cutscenes sence is exacly the same as the DS version. Of course the operations them selfs look alot more polished than the DS version.

Gameplay: They real reason to buy this game. Original. Fun. and very addictive. The general rules is that you get person after person with problems such as a tumar in the stomach or a sore throat and it is your job to slice and dice your way to sucess. You have a massive range of equipment from scalpult to a blood drainer and all of them feel pretty good. Sound: The overall soundtrack is ok at best but there is next to no voice acting in this game. Abit lazy of nintendo but you can't have it all.

**** The cutscenes arent cutscenes at all really just random shite about what they had for tea last night or something and the worst of it because theres no voice actors you have to read pages and pages or random crap. I dont mind reading but i expect more from a console game in 2007.

Overall: I good fun game the gameplay is spot on and totally original but they could have put abit more effort into the sound and graphics because as nuts as it sounds its not that differnet from the DS version. Still if you like something diffrent or havent played the original. The you should at least rent it,