Big Transformers fan, disappointed in the game. Some good, unfortunately though, mostly bad.

User Rating: 5 | Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen PS3
When it came out, probably one of the best Transformers games to date. Unfortunately, that's not saying a lot. Given the source material, there has potential to be an awesome game.

What I liked:
Multiplayer was the most fun part of the game.
Transforming on the fly was good
Graphics, sound pretty good.
Unlockable G1 episodes, so awesome.

What I didn't like:
Multiplayer was fun, but maps are tiny and it only lets you fight max 5 vs 5 or 6 vs 6 IIRC? Pretty lame in an age where most games the minimum is 8 vs 8.
The single player missions were brutal! Too repetitive, maps you play on are super small and detail is poor.
Too few Transformers to play as.
Did I mention maps are tiny? Choose a fast land vehicle? Can't go fast for long without hitting map edge. Pick a fast jet? Can't go much higher than buildings without hitting invisible ceiling. LAME!

The bottomline for me was I finished the game in just hours, played multiplayer a little longer than that, then just put the game away. It got old after a few hours.

For laughs I put it in months later and there's not many playing multiplayer, so I traded it in.

It is definitely NOT a buy. Rental maybe, if you're really really bored. Another game sullies the Transformer name. So sad.