A good improvement on the first game,bad controls,great missions and graphics

User Rating: 8.5 | Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen PS3
Transformers revenge of the fallen is a more organised,vamped up version of the first one and its a welcome improvement

The Good: awsome sharp grahics,scenary is fun to traverse,boss fights require a nice combination of abilities to win,varied missions,long combined campaigns,great value for money,good replay value,

The Bad:rubbish driving controls,pointless free roam,some great characters from the movie are missing,no option to use cars and lamposts as weapons,

Now.i am a fan of free roam/sandbox style games so it gives me pain to say that the free roam mode is uterly pointless,in the DS lite version free roam involves epic battles with police and extermination of mini decepticons however in the PS3 version these things are missing which makes free roam only good for practising the advanced moves and controls.

The thing that gamespot well picks up on is the fact that the game indeed starts of slow,when you first start the game you might be dissapointed with the bland tutorial and lack of free roam mode however once you have done the first 6 or so levels free roam is unlocked and the missions become a lot more atmospheric and exciting.

It is a shame that the twins,jazz, and other cool autobots are missing however some of them are available in an add-on from the playstation store at the price of £6.29.

The autobot and decepticon campaign combined together make for a resonable length game with some replay value when trying to earn better medals to unlock skins .etc.The decepticon campaign features some fun destruction and flying however both campaigns can be played with an invincibility cheat active which makes it possible to go into complete mayhem mode and crush any foes that appear.

Finally there is a upgrades screen where you can spend your energon on slower weapon over heat time,more mele damage and higher max health etc.

The only other fault is the awful driving controls which require you to hold down R2 to stay in car mode which means even though there is a brake you cant drive slowly or carefully.

for £10 this game is a bargain and a must have game for fans of the film.
Overall mark 8.5/10