Not the best game, but enjoyable once you've set the best angle on your vision camera, and found a good sitting position

User Rating: 6 | TotemBall X360
I agreed at first; the controls in this game are frustrating. In fact when I started playing the game, I wanted to pitch my vision camera across the room, the controls were so bad. But then I gathered my thoughts, because I'll play just about any game to get the achievements, and realized that as long as you keep your hands within the areas on the screen that reflects back your image, the controls are not bad. Honestly, I think this control scheme would be better for a game where you play a maestro and the object of the game is to conduct an orchestra. Nonetheless, I think the biggest problem with this game, which is no fault of its own, is it requires the player or players to use their muscles (upper body strength, more specifically). That's right, no vegetating on this one. I find that I need to sit up straight to play this game, and yes, keeping you arms lifted in the air and moving them up or down to control your totem ball will wear you out. So pick your butt up off the couch, put some back in to it, and stop complaining that the controls suck in this game, because they really aren't that bad.