This is a beautiful game, except...

User Rating: 9 | Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai PC
Fall of the Samurai is a gorgeous game that nails the atmosphere and is absolutely worth every moment of your free time except for a few complaints:

1) After all these years there is still no way to make units "active" and "inactive" on the campaign map... so you will forget to move units. Other strategy games solved this problem decades ago.

2) Exploring the map is tedious, but it must be done or you won't be able to trade. Perhaps an auto explore function?

3) Battle AI has a tendency to charge its cavalry right at my idle lines of infantry... sure there's a point when this can be a good tactic, but not as an opening move.

4) Battle AI does not defend its artillery well enough. One spear unit guarding it would probably suffice.

5) Maybe I just suck at naval battles, but it seems to me that whenever I tell a ship to directly attack the enemy it always turns the wrong way and presents the other side of the ship from what I was planning.

Anyway, still a great game... Domo arigato.