this game is an old skool classic for ps it was great when it came out but now its just old lol!

User Rating: 9 | Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (SuperLite 1500 Series) PS
pretty good ol game the very fist skating game ever brought out and it was brilliant at the time but now with THP8 and THPG its nothing coompared to these new gen games but it was classic the good things were the story and the great pros involved in this game it was awesome and also the levels were cool too but the best thing about this game is that its very smooth on tthe ps activision should remake this game from the groundup on the 360 and i think it would be sick lol but that would neva happen anyway this game is not worth buying now lol maybe it was six years ago but definetly not now so dont waste ur money unless u still have a ps then dont get this game or youll be sorry the bad stuff about this game is the graphics and the classic goal things i hate them and you cant even do double kickflips and stuff like that its just crap so thats my review on THPS for ps i hope this helps !!!