Fantastic and Unbelievable Work By Square Enix - Tomb Raider (2013)

User Rating: 9.5 | Tomb Raider (The Final Hours Edition) PC
This game is a big worth the time and money.

The graphics and scenery accompanied by Square Enix's signature final fantasy like music makes this game reach the top of it potential and success.

Unbelievable, I could not stop playing this game. Lara's character is more concise, flexible and realistic. You can feel the energy and action packed atmosphere as you play along this non linear adventure - it is free roam.

If you loved the assassin's creed genre, then you will love this just as much and if not, even more.

The attention, detail and input the team has put into this game is clear, with really complex enemy attitudes, Lara needs to adopt both stealth and brute charge force.

This adventure is open world island and tombs, caves, waterfalls and tons of stuff.
It adopts scary, tense and calm atmosphere. A game is good when you feel that you would not want to be in the character's shoes and Tomb Raider does this straight away. Draws you in to the attractive yet bold and brave Lara.

Choice of weapons are stimulating and exciting keeping old fashioned yet convenient and realistic.

The length of the game is incredible, it is very long.

I cannot stress how worthy and great this game was, this is the best game of 2013 yet.

And anyways, its a Square Enix game, so it must be good.