Tomb Raider without the Tomb Raiding.

User Rating: 9 | Tomb Raider (The Final Hours Edition) PC
This was a very enjoyable game but it's not a Tomb Raider, in this game the Tombs are optional and far too simple and repetitive to receive any sense of achievement when completed. By contrast previous games offered a series of elaborate environmental puzzles, where the player had to stand back and bit by bit work out how to connect the dots and progress through the game. What made the old games work for me was the amount of time that was consumed working out how to, for example; reach the dizzying heights of a structure and the great sense of achievement that used to come from reaching that goal.

The challenges are sadly lacking in this game, previous games would give you a number of elemental challenges revolving around a central chamber usually involving water, fire, electricity and the like. One example of this which combines the height and elemental challenges is St. Francis' Folly from TR1 or Anniversary

From Legend onward the games became easier but I always chose to play on hard so the game would give me less hints. Playing on hard in this game does not remove the hints but increases the amount of enemies and the number of times those enemies have to get shot before they die.

In this reboot the emphasis is on combat, it feels more like an online multiplayer shoot em up, especially in the shanty town, this was a part of the gameplay I literally hated.

The graphics are stunning in this game, I have 2 GTX680's running in SLI and could handle it on max, however it was prone to freezing and crashing, CD should've really sorted out the drivers with Nvidia before the games release.

In the next game I hope CD will give us back the elaborate conundrums that makes Tomb Raider what it is.