A fabulous return for gaming most famous heroine: Lara Croft!!

User Rating: 9.8 | Tomb Raider: Legend PS2
Tomb Raider LEGEND is an amazing game in so many ways. The storyline, graphics (on all consoles), voice acting, puzzles and enemies are so good. The locations are perfect for a gread tomb raider game.

The best level would be NEPAL, HIMALAYAS simply because everything is so well compacted. Emotional moment with touching music and snowy mountain scenery is beautifull.

Zip and Alistair talk to you througout the whole game giving you hints on everything and cracking jokes, so Lara never really feels alone anymore.

Rutland and Amanda are two great enemies. Amanda is also an unlockable skin for lara!

there are 32 costumes to be unlocked in this game. findin the UNLOCKABLES arent easy.

Lara's home is also deadly with a gym the size of a tomb (lol)!

Pick up this game any day. It isnt hard to complere and inst very lenghty BUT rocks and should be at least played. You'll enjoy it forget about AOD thats old, LEGEND in new and great!!