Not all it's cracked up to be

User Rating: 6 | Tom Clancy's The Division PS4

Aside from a quick mission briefing and cut scenes that rarely happen, There's very little voice acting. The sound track is pretty much not existent.

The visuals are certainly good to look at but there's a huge lack of variety among the environments. There's a lot of copy and paste places in this game that causes the game to lose it's luster a lot quicker than it should. They did do a great job at creating a war torn NYC though.

Game Play:
Cover is everything in this Destiny-styled game play. Enemies have health bars and can take quite a bit of damage before killing. The game play is a lot more fluid than Destiny though. You can run from cover to cover, Leap over objects, It's pretty satisfying and fun to play.

Pretty much no story to it and what little story there is is held together with cut scenes that rarely take place through out the campaign. They don't do that good of a job exploring stories outside of the main campaign. The missions consists of the same 4-5 objectives being playing over and over again, You'll get sick of it rather quickly. The Dark Zone, a PVP section, is poorly done, There's not enough players that actually play it and unless you go in there with another player (or more), You will die as everyone in there run around in groups. There isn't much content and it doesn't take long to complete the game. The server has gotten better but I did suffer quite a few issues in the weeks following the release of the game. The wide variety of special abilities are fun to use.

Overall: 6/10

The fun game play of The Division is off-set by the dozen of other problems it suffers from. All of which were similar issues that Destiny faced and it seems like they didn't use said game to learn and advance. My biggest issue being that there is no content with the game. It's very quick to beat and unless you are willing to replay missions, You are gonna end up putting it away for something else. That's what my friends and I ended up doing unless than 3 weeks after launch. And just being honest, It's not the kind of game I'd want to invest more money into (via DLC).