This game was awesome, I didn't see no lag but I bought the game from the PlayStation Store when it was on sale.

User Rating: 8.5 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent PS3
This game will have you either regretting or admiring your choices throughout it's campaign. The story is wonderful I felt as if I was watching a movie but not in a bad way. There is so many fun gadgets and ways you can go about doing these missions that you will want to play them again and again just to see if that other way will net you a better stealth score. Not to mention that there is different endings and a bonus mission based on how you do these missions. This game is 10 dollars on the PlayStation store right now (American) and 5 dollars for PlayStation Plus subscribers. Id say it's well worth it's money; I was worried about the mentioned lag I seen from other reviews but I bit bullet and went ahead and bought it, I figured where the game was going to be installed on my HDD that I wouldn't see any lag and I was right.