A cover-shooter with some troublesome issues but some fun gameplay and co-op

User Rating: 8.5 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 X360
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is a cover-shooter developed by Ubisoft and was released back in 2008. If you're looking at buying this game it's a good thing you checked a review (specifically mine =) ) because this game will only grow on you after you put hours into it. First things first though this game is indeed a cover-shooter,I repeat this is not a Call-of Duty, Medal of Honor type game where you run around like a madman taking bullets and killing massive amounts of dudes within a fast time rate. This game requires patience and the ability to see what the hell the horribly smart enemy A.I will do next. That is if you plan to play it on the realistic difficulty which is insanely hard to the point where you want a friend to play and witness the madness. Or you can play on the horribly easy, easy difficulty where you could easily beat the game by just going around with you're pistol. After beating the game on Medium on Co-op we then moved to Realistic which I suggest very passionately if you are to play the game as much as I have. Talking about A.I the difficulty settings definitely mean what they say, realistic is realistic, easy is easy. But in this game you also command two squad-mates that can do various and very helpful things for you at the touch of a button on the D-pad. You can command your squad-mates to stack up on doors and execute different ways of entry. Those different entry executions are determined by which mode your squad-mates are set on at the time. By pressing the back button you switch your squad-mates to either Infiltrate or Assault mode. These modes control what type of weapons and equipment they are able to use and you are able to command them to use. They also control if your squad-mates will attack enemies on sight or only fire when fired upon. The story in the game is a sad and slightly weird. Bombs will go off, the plot will twist but overall the first time you play it you will be surprised at points which is a great thing for any story mode in a game. You play Bishop in the great thrill ride and gain points for different types of kills. These different types of kills are separated into three groups Marksman, CQB (Close-quarters Combat), and Assault. In those groups you can earn different weapons that do better in different combat situations. Overall get this game and put some hours into it, there are some cool achievements to be earned and the weapons are fun to explore as well as your armor configuration. There is also fully enabled co-op story mode and "Terrorist Hunt" mode that is great fun when having a friend over. Thank you for reading this review and I hope you enjoy the game!…If you get it!...Which you should!