Mundane Turtles on your discount shelf!

User Rating: 5 | TMNT X360
Let me get one thing straight, I did not buy this game because I wanted to play it, I bought it because it was 3.99. That said, there is some fun to be had in this short and frusturating adventure.

You start the adventure as the (arugable) leader Leonardo as he is training in the jungle. The game shows you the basic tutorials (double jumps!) and right away you'll catch onto the most annoying flaw of the game, the voice over. Or lack of voice over. Leo and all the rest, only have one phrase, or maybe two, I honestly tuned out early, they repeat over and over and over and over, and, well, you get the point. Mikey's is the most annoying cause almost every jump he'll yell enthusiastically "super spectacular awesome man!" or something to that annoying extent.

The next flaw you'll inevitably run into shortly after picking up your controller is the combat. Heck, why make a good game on combat, when your whole theme is about ninja turtles? This question must not of entered any of their minds. You have very limited combos, and the whole button mashing thing won't work, because you have only one attack button.

There is some team based missions where you will switch between turtles and do a limited team combo, but they are not rewarding. Each turtles has their own "special" move that you might utilize once an hour. Oh, and you get an easy achievement when you do this. All achievements are easy in this game.

The adventure loosely follows the movie, and lasts about 6 hours. Give or take. There is some overly annoying platforming here. Where you will fall and fall and fall for about ten minutes while you watch your timer go up. This is an adventure best suited for a low price point, I would reccomend not paying over ten dollars for this hardly worthwhile piece of shell.