TMNT is a good action platformer but it's definitely not worth the purchase unless your a die-hard fan.

User Rating: 7 | TMNT X360
TMNT is basically a game adaptation of the new movie. The game follows the movie as well as it's own thing to. The game's length is like 4 or 5 hours so it's not a very long game, it's not worth purchasing unless your a die-hard fan. The game's platforming elements are true to the genre and range from very easy and basic to difficult and hard. The game's overall combat system is your basic beat'em up style. You can play as all four turtles by selecting which one you want to play as during levels. Every character has his own special ability to help you get through certain obstacles which definitely adds to the gameplay. The game also has the usual humor you'd expect from anything Ninja Turtles. Overall, TMNT is not really worth buying unless your a die-hard TMNT fan, but for an average gamer, it's not worth purchasing unless it's like $10. Other than that, rent it first if your curious about this game.