Excelent refreshing game

User Rating: 9 | Titanfall PC

After getting tired of the Call of Duty and Battlefield series, Titanfall was a gift sent from heaven. A refreshing palatte cleanser that takes elements from the shooter genre and adds giant mechs. In the game you play as a "pilot" and you have a big array of movements at your disposal. You can wall run, wall jump, double jump, wall hang, and ride on enemy/friendly titans. Everybody gets a Titan, but the more kills you get the faster your Titan arrives. Once you get your Titan you can leave it on automatic and let it get kill for you (he will obviously be dumb and clumsy) or you can enter your Titan and reak havoc. You can customize your Titan outside of matches changing build, weapons, side arms, abilities etc. As a pilot you carry 3 weapons and, some explosives, some perks and special abilities. The weapons are pretty standard, for your primary weapon you can chose from assault rifle, SMG, LMG, sniper rifle, shotgun or the smart pistol. For a arm you chose from pistols. You also get an anti Titan weapon so you can take down the big guys. You get to chose from standard granades, electric granades (grate for taking down Titan shields), c4 and claymores (although they call them diferently that's pretty much what they are). There are a neat variety of perk, and some of the special abilties make you temporarily cloak, see through walls, or run and regenerate health faster. You also get "burn cards" these are cards that you unlock by doing stuff (killing dudes, finishing matches, completing achievemnts...) and you can use them once. When you activate them they are active until you die or finish the match. Once you use them they are gone forever, but you get so many that you don't need to worry about spending them. I've had to throw away some because I don't have enough space for them. It's a neat little system that can help you in a match. The cards can range from giving you a more powerfull version of a certain weapon, to making you permanently cloaked or getting a Titan right away. Just make sure you save the rare ones for special ocasions. The only disapointing thing I found is the campaign, you don't fight agains ai, instead they are multiplayer matches in set maps with a little bit of story about what's suppossed to be going on. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, you keep progressing. The hard part about the campaign is getting matches, sometimes you can't get to play the campaign because there is simply no one playing it. In any case. In my opinion the multiplayer is worth it for itself, and for less than $40 it's a must buy for any online shooter fan.