A bargain-bin gem that supplies hours and hours of great fun. The single player is fun, but multiplaer is where it's at.

User Rating: 9.8 | TimeSplitters (Platinum) PS2

Timesplitters is an awesome FPS with a twist.The story mode consists of simple tasks of retrieving things and returning to your base. Story mode is just a source of unlockables for Arcade mode which is like playing multiplayer against Bots(or computer characters),unless of course you are playing a friend then you are... playing against eachother. Anyway, multiplayer is sooooo fun. My friend had an "all-nighter" as we like to call. He invited us over and we played the dang thing from 6 PM til' 1 Am(I was in 1st place with 3 kills to go then I fell asleep argghh).

Gameplay: Decent campaign mode that supplies tons and tons of unlockables. Multiplayer mode that never stops giving. Tons of cool guns ranging from the Mauser Pistol to the ever-popular Rocket Launcher. There are several modes of gameplay in Arcade Mode(Such as Deathmatch,Capture The Bag,etc.).

Graphics: Ok,so the graphics are awful. Luckily the bad graphics did not affect the rest too greatly.

Sound:Nothing good about it, but nothing bad about it.

This is one of the first FPS' that really got me hooked.