Finally! After a year after the arcade version of Time Crisis 4. So here is a little review from a rookie.

User Rating: 9 | Time Crisis 4 PS3
Story line: Arcade mode - Pretty simple planned. Basically fighting against ex-military and bosses, saving the world. By the way I have not completed the other mode yet.

Resolution: With 720p, it is a big step up from the previous episodes. However, in comparison to other PS3 major big hits, it is still not crystal clear enough.

Length: Good length. 3 major stages on the arcade mode, expect to finish the game within 2 hours. Although it's only 2 hours but hey 2 hours on an arcade is hella long.

Experience and Hints: I spent about 1.5 - 2 hours on the arcade mode (Easy). So each time after you die without anymore continues, you will get a continue increase. Once you have finished the game, you will unlock infinite bullet handgun, so you don't need to keep reloading once in a while. Plus you also get infinite continues and 9 bars of health, these will come handy when you're doing "very hard" difficulty.