As a golf game, Tiger Woods shines. As a 'next gen' game, it is rusty as hell.

User Rating: 7 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 PS3
Simply put, TWPT09 is a good golf game. I have fun playing it. But it looks like crap compared to most games out these days. The environments are bland. The character movement is choppy. Aside from that, there are key features that one would expect that are not there:

My room mate and I both have PSN accounts. We sign in with our own when we play. Since we each created characters under our own account, we can never play against each other with them. That is just unacceptable to not be able to load in a character from another account on the same PS3.

I also feel like the way your stats are calculated is illogical. If I hit a 98 yard shot within 4 yards of the pin, I like to think that's not too bad. But that's gonna hurt my short game alot. If I leave a 15 yard flop 4 yards out, that's awful, but it has the exact same effect.

Seems they could have found much better ways of calculating stats.

Overall, not a bad game, but it's not worth $60.