a hard to describe game that will leave you with mixed reactions...

User Rating: 7.2 | Thrillville PS2
particulary this game wasnt as fun as i thoguht it would be. But it is fun getting to play the games that is really fun and actually they are a great challenge then you got to clean up the place which is pretty fun missions too so so far so good. Then you get to talk which is a fun part and get to have kind of a girl freind but all you can do is kiss they should make you bring her on dates and stuff. Then biulding all you do a place stuff you could biuld the coaster but they dont give you much of a varitey so its really not as good that part as supposed to be. The music is good but they repeat the same thing way to much and they should have made more parks for you to do to out stretch the game. particulary it is a fun game and its hard to say but its good to own cuz you can play party mode and play all the cool minigames!