Love to get your friends together and mini-game it up? Wanna build your own theme park the way YOU want? Now you can!

User Rating: 8.5 | Thrillville: Off the Rails PC
Thrillville: Off the Rails! is a snazzy title that brings the booming mini-game compilation market and marries it beautifully with a theme park sim. They do this very well, but a few things get in the way of making this title what it truly can be. First of all, the game really doesn't deviate from the first too much. there are more mini games and some of em have been retooled but most of em are carbon copies of games from the original. The main thing that is different is the themes of the parks. This is not really a bad thing since the first game did a number of things right, and any changes have been for the better, it just would of been nice to see a little more difference between the titles.

The game handles very well, all the games are very responsive, and kick the crap out of any mini game you will find on other compilations , some you could actually play for hours. The reason behind this, is frontier did a great job mimicking classic arcade games, there is a node to gauntlet, bust a move, a rather fleshed out FPS and some great side games that put some great spins on old classic carnival games, great stuff!

The graphics of the game do the job and keeps the PC running and a good frame rate even on lower ended machines meaning that it can be played by just about anyone. The 360's version is probably the best version out there due to the excellent controls on the 360 pad and the HD visuals. The PS2 and Wii version look similar to the first game with a few minor upgrades. The games main scenario will take about 10 to 15 hours to complete, add about that much if you want to finish every mission in the game. The replay value is great for multi player in party mode, or just to get a fix on your favorite mini game. The game does a great job in doing away with some of the more tedious micromanaging like in Roller coaster Tycoon but still gives you a decent degree of flexibility, one complaint is that you are limited to 3 building zones within each theme of a park so the park layout is the same every time you play and cannot be changed. Also the layout of each theme park seems to be identical to each other which gives a small sense of repetitiveness, and you will have played all the games by the time you opened the 3rd park. These few gripes are enough to keep the game from being truly stellar but Thrillville: OTR is still a great game that is worth entrance fee.