Simply put, this game is amazing. Amazing blend of 2D and 3D graphics with a great fighting system and engaging story.

User Rating: 9.5 | Subarashiki Kono Sekai: It's A Wonderful World DS
Simply put, this game is amazing! It pushes the envelope for the DS. If you are a fan of Square Enix, there is no reason you shouldn't pick up this game. Wait, let me re-state that, everyone that has a DS should get this game. The story follows 15 year-old Neku Sakuaba and his partner Shiki Misaki as they travel through-out Shibya completing missions for the "Reaper's Game". Without getting to deep in the story, the game lasts for 7 days and each day you are given a mission to complete. If you don't finish the mission in time, the Reapers will come and "erase" you. Thats all i want to say about the story without giving anything away. The combat in this game is fought on two screens at the same time and can be confusing and difficult at first. But after a few hours of playing, it starts to become second nature. The combat on the touch screen consists of a seres of taps, strokes, and sometimes the mic. The combat on the top screen is controlled by taping the d-pad in a direction to attack and perform combos. The game also uses different brands of clothing like armor. Each type of clothing doses a different thing and each section of Shibya has there own popular fashion that gives, or takes, attack bonuses. I should stop wasting your time. GO GET THIS GAME NOW!!!!!!!! Its innovate and just plain fun. I hope Square Enix continues the seres and that they take more chances like this. If there is one problem, I'd say it's a little to sort. But it still is a great game and has quite some replay value. I will tell you again...