Very nice, original graphic style, but long dialogs and some uninspired puzzles.

User Rating: 6 | The Whispered World PC
The game features very nice, original 2D hand-drawn graphics and characters. The fantasy world setting is appealing to the fans of the traditional point and click genre. Long dialogs make it feel very slow. The voice of the main character takes some time to get used to, but I think it is very uninspired and sounds weird all the time. Some uninspired puzzles make for some frustrating moments in the game. Otherwise, the puzzles are very basic or deceptiveley simple. It's an experience worth playing for a few ours. The background music adds a nice feeling to the game. The controls and interaction with the in game objects is easy to understand and feels good. Sadwick, the main character, is accompanied by his pet caterpillar Spot. Spot may perform certain actions which are very helpful for some of the puzzles.