Old school sports game junkie that rarely leaves the genre.

User Rating: 9.7 | The Warriors PS2
In order to fully appreciate the Warriors, you have to be born before the 80's and loved the cult-classic that is the movie. Unfortunately I was 2 when the movie was released but I had an older brother and sister that drilled it into me over and over and I came (naturally) to love it also. The game not only enhances the power of the movie it takes it 100 times further. It gives you the actual voices you remember from the movie, I don't quite know how those guys have to be 50 or 60 years old now, right down to the "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego" lady on the radio. It also completes the Warriors story believably, without you thinking that they are some cupcake guys that you might bring home to Momma. Anyway, for a sports game-aholic that trades in old titles annually for current ones, I enthusiastically recommend The Warriors to anyone (over 18 ofcourse).