A Fantastic, Worthwhile Sequel

User Rating: 8 | The Walking Dead: Season Two - A Telltale Games Series PC

*This is a review for the full game, episodes 1-5 of Season 2.

This game is a must-play for anyone who has played TWD: Season 1, and a "STOP TURN BACK NOW" to anyone who has not. Seriously, go play Season 1 first.

That said, the game is phenomenal. But let me give you all the details. I use only vague descriptions to avoid spoiling anything for those who haven't played it, but if you want absolutely no information at all stop reading here.

The Good!

-Some game-play/immersion control mechanics improvements. Control more than Season One, and more controllable scenes outside of "omg zombie action events" (such as climbing ropes, cleaning wounds, etc.)

- Great story, dialogue, surprises, and character development for Clementine.

- Several powerful player choice opportunities, and very different endings depending on some choices.

- One of the best scenes in the series, a simple fireside hangout, is masterfully done.

The phrase "more of the same" applies here, but in this case is a compliment. Season 2 is a fantastic story with memorable characters and powerful choices just like the first. Playing as a small girl (as opposed to a grown man) presents a new set of opportunities and challenges when it comes to combat, choices, and interacting with the cast. Just when you think you have figured out where this is going, the story throws you a curve ball, particularly early on where you share Clementine's feelings of "wtf am I going to do now."

The Bad

- One climactic scene felt rushed, and left certain characters and events unexplained.

- One severe injury is simply "walked off", to the point of being completely unbelievable and out of place.

- Doesn't quite reach the heights of its predecessor in terms of player emotional investment in the cast.

Like most sequels, it doesn't quite reach the emotional connection of the original in some ways -but still powerful none the less. And while it still maintains the comic-esque style of the first, and its source material, the graphics remain somewhat outdated. I also found myself often wanting more chances and dialogue options to grieve, reference or process the loss from season 1, having most likely been the most significant thing to happen to Clementine in her lifetime. Still, they did manage a respectable tribute to it at one point, and perhaps it is reflective of grim reality of her world -"ain't nobody got time for that."

Still! Do not let these things cause you to miss out on an amazing story and player experience, I am only making sure to give an honest review and that includes the game's short falls. But those short falls pale in comparison to its strengths: a wonderful crafted story, with rich characters, and a chance to continue the wonder, tears and triumphs of the first season.