All-in-all, Temple of Elemental Evil is a classic example of a game with limitless potential, but very limited appeal.

User Rating: 7 | The Temple of Elemental Evil PC
Temple of Elemental Evil was a game I was looking very forward to playing. It seemed to have a very old-school feel to it right out of the box. I created my party and had a blast doing it. The character creation was very detailed and thorough. The game had different BEGINNINGS based on your party's alignment. Very nice. I must say that ToEE has some of, if not THE, best turn-based combat I have seen in a CRPG. Very well done. All this is thrown to waste though due to some very unfortunate circumstances. First, the game is broken. I needed to apply a fan-made patch just to get the game playable on XP. I had lots of crashes to desktop even AFTER this patch. The story seemed forced, and repetitive. Been there done that a thousand times over. No real newness to it at all, no big plot twists or turns to keep me interested. Overall, ToEE is a very average game, unfortunately.