ignore what pepole say about the framerate. this game is absolutely brilliant in every way possible!

User Rating: 10 | The Orange Box PS3
so the orange box on ps3. picked it up yesterday for quite cheap and after reading about it thought it would lag allot.. but no. it has yet to slow down once. it has froze once but hey nothings perfect. i would have liked to have got it for pc but my pc wont run source 2007 :( so igot it for ps3. i have completed hl2 a few times on pc but i don't have ep1 ep2 porrtal and tf2. i will now split up my reveiw onto the games.

hl2: the biggest game in there. exelent graphics , gameplay, and unbeliveable (even though it is based of it it kicks havok up the arse) physics

its one of the best games ever made and still lives looks bloddy amazing today about 4 years after it was relised.

ep1: not as good as hl2 but still really really good. just carries on the story really

ep2:adds allot of new things like a even better graphics, new enemys and carries on the plot.

portal: a puzzle game where you have to make portals to solve puzlles set for you in test chambers by an evil sounding computer. it is unfortunately very short. yet sweet.

tf2: an exelent game. the multiplayer component of the ob. i have tfc (team fortress classic) and this game follows it quite closely. you have playable classes and you have do things like capture points, capture intelligence and stuff like that. it is very very good.

overalli give it a 10. the first game i will ever give that score. the only thing they could have done is added hl1 (and mabie op4 and bs) in there but still what more could you ask for.anyway i have thouse anyway

P.S, even a few years on, i have yet to see a frame rate issue. The loading times are still painfully long.