Lag? What lag?

User Rating: 10 | The Orange Box PS3
Okay, as for all the reviews saying that this game's laggy as hell, I'd just like to point out, you are WRONG. It plays fine on my PS3. I picked it for PS3 a few months back, because having to pay for multiplayer sucks, and TF2 is part of the main reason to buy this package. The game's awesome, but you already know that, so let me just say a few things about the Playstation three version:

1. The lag everyone keeps talking about where the framerate dips to 'unplayable levels' hasn't happened to me. At all. I've beaten Episode One and Portal already, and it has never gotten like that.

2. The longer loading times aren't an issue at all. It's about 5 second to quick-load instead of 2. Big deal.

All in all, if you own a PS3, you owe it to yourself to play this game. Don't believe the gamespot review for it talking about the 'slideshow-like framerate', because that just doesn't happen.