Quite a fun game.

User Rating: 8.5 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II - The Rise of the Witch-King PC
Well I personally thought this game was quite fun. A little short, which is probably true, but in my perspective, highly addictive. I beat the story pretty quickly in a good 6-10 hours, but after that I played the Skirmish's every so often for around 2-4 months, until it did get a little boring. My favorite part was just setting up fun skirmishes with random people online or friends or sometimes just alone like making a fun game of all Humans, Dwarves, Elves, etc. versus Mordor, Isengard, Goblins, Angmar, etc. What was also fun was the Hero Customization. I made at least 10-20 of my own cool different heroes. Whether it was an evil Uruk, a corrupted Easterling/Haradrim, or if it was a cool, tough Dwarf Taskmaster. There weren't a lot of choices in customizing, but it was still fun and I made at least one from all the races. In the end, I think this game is worth playing, unless you're not into strategic games. Oh and by the way, there are also really cool mods for this game that you can download from Gamespot. They actually add some cool extra units, buildings, *Ahem* Mumakil *Ahem*, cool new powers, and they diversify the races, and once again, actually add quite a few new units. Well that's all. Get this game