Could have been a good game

User Rating: 4 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II PC
I loved the first battle for middle earth so I got the second one expecting a great game. I played the tutorial and I was really looking forward to a skirmish so when I finished it, I started a skirmish and the disappointment started. The problem is when your playing a skirmish the computer sends battalions to attack you which is fine, but when you try to engage them with your own men, they just keep running for your base. This is where the next problem comes in, Infantry can destroy walls with ease making walls pointless. So basically, the tactics for the computer in skirmish is : Run at the enemy base, ignore enemy troops, and cause as much damage as you can before you get killed. This makes battles extremely frustrating because your just running after the enemy army rather than fighting them.

Even though skirmish is frustrating, Helms deep and Minas tirith are now playable maps which is great and the new heroes and units are good but unfortunately they can't be enjoyed that much. Moving onto the campaign its ok, but you can't decide where to attack next or anything like that its just misson after misson so you don't really get a feeling that you've conquered or taken anything worthwhile. The last thing is War of the ring which is a nice idea but its just not done too well. You start out with territory and armies with hereos as generals, but you can just turtle up and survive wave after wave of enemy attack so there's not much strategy.

I really wanted this game to be good but it was a huge, huge disappointment.