Ancient adventure fun

User Rating: 9.2 | The Legend of Zelda NES
The Legend of Zelda. The RPG and the Action-adventure world would not be the same today with this game. Shigeru Miyamoto really took us by storm with it. Here you are, this kid link, and you embark on this giant journey, with tons of enemies, allies, weapons and more. Meanwhile, the only other games out at the time were simple games where you run and jump on an enemy's head and kill him, then move on to the next one. Not to mention the fact that The Legend of Zelda had, hands down, the best looking cartridge of any game out there. If you got one of the earlier versions, you got yourself a shiny gold cartridge, not some dull, grey one, like with almost all other games. Who didn't get an easy 50 hours out of Zelda? This Legend was very challenging. You couldn't level up well over your enemies like in modern RPGs, so everything was a good challenge. It was all about staying alive long enough. So after you got pissed off enough, you'd finally make it to the area you're trying to get without dying. Then you'd get to the boss.... The sound in Zelda was over the top, as seems to be the tradition in all of Miyamoto's games (Mario series, Star Fox). Really great musical scores that you can still hear sometimes today. Anyway, The Legend of Zelda was a key figure in our gaming's history, and was a truly immersive and great game, worth a play by anyone with a little patience.