It IS a next-gen Zelda, after all

User Rating: 9.5 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
So here it is, GC Zelda 2 or Wii Zelda 1, whatever you prefer. In any case, it's an awesome game. Don't take me wrong, I concur with much of what the GameSpot review says about its flaws, and I really miss Wind Waker's bold, fun new graphic style, but Twilight Princess is undeniably the best action/adventure game to come out all year, not to mention the best Wii launch title and an instant classic.

There are two reasons for my score to be higher than GS's. Fist is my feel for the Wii's control scheme. I found it almost perfect. I could almost play with my hands in my pockets, if I wanted to. There's no need to have a line of sight between the controllers and the sensor bar unless you're trying to use a cursor onscreen. Fighting and navigation can all be handled regardless of your relative position to the screen, which means it's really no problem playing sitting on your sofa or even while tucked in bed, if you want to. That was a concern of mine before trying the game, since what I'd seen from the Wii made it look like you could pretty much only play right in front of the TV and only sitting straight with your arms aiming at the screen at all times. That would have been tiring for a game that requires long sessions, but the control scheme is handled very nicely. You can go crazy and mimick slashing during battles or keep it quiet and just flick your wrist a little. It works. Whatever sensitivity is lost compared to a classc gamepad is replaced by lots of fun in the game's more intense moments (and there are plenty), when you just can't help going ninja with the Wii-mote.

My second reason is precisely the insane amount of epic, thrilling moments during the course of the game. Everytime you have to fight on horseback the game becomes the most exciting thing you've seen on any console since Shadow of the Colossus. It helps a lot that characters actually emote and get to act a little for pretty much the first time in a Zelda game (WW was great, but the plot and character development were as flat as they were cute). This time, when you go off to rescue a missing kid or Link's love interest there's actually a feeling that what you're doing matters in an involving story. It's still basic good vs. evil, but it's much better told this time around. Take, for instance, the first time Link goes wolf. You can feel the rage and frustration in him, not just on the cutscenes, but during gameplay. Level design, art direction and storytelling come together perfectly in this game.

Also, at least for me, the way the game revisists locales from Ocarina of Time, keeping the geography and design consistent, was actually a good thing. Some parts of the game do feel a bit like a remake of OoT, but the nostalgia factor and the gorgeous new renditions of those classic levels more than make up for it.

On the minus side, the new cursor-based interface pretty much forces you to play on a 16:9 tv, unless you want your actual gaming space restricted to N-Gage proportions. The Wii-mote's speaker does sound tinny and cheap and sometimes actually breaks the atmosphere instead of building it (piece of advice, keep the volume low, you'll save batteries and it will sound better). If you have a Wii, you probably have this game. If you don't plan on getting Nintendo's latest fun machine, do yourself a favor and at least invest 100€/$ in getting a second hand GameCube with this and Wind Waker. You might change your mind after that.