You know what you are buying when you're getting a Zelda game. With this one its no different

User Rating: 9 | The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap GBA
Every few years there is a new Zelda game, and every few years that Zelda game gives you exactly what you want, but always with a new touch of gameplay added to it.
With the Minish Cap it's the abillity to shrink into a tiny little minish, where you view the world in a very different way.
The thing is that where other games always end up implementing something like that badly and it becomes gimmicky, but with a Zelda game it's always done with a lot of love and eye for detail.
Where you'd think an old GBA game wouldnt be able to have a lot of detail, you should check this out. You can really see they have put a lot of effort into it all, which makes the experience only better.This also pushes you to look around every corner in the game.

All the classic Zelda stuff is present off course. Dungeons, elements, the bosses, mini-bosses, hyrule, the big bad guy and you get your gear one piece at a time. Everytime you get a new piece of gear, new places will be accessible in the world using that particular piece.
A few new items are introduced for this one though. For instance a little rod that makes you able to flip stuff over and a lovely little vaccuum machine. All these new items, aswell as the classic ones are implemented very well in the various little puzzles you run into. You never have the feeling a certain item was added quickly withouth thinking it through. The story is off course your typical Zelda story, so nothing new there or to talk about.

Im keeping this short, as there isnt much to say about this game, except for the fact that it is a Zelda game, and as always it's one hell of a great one again to.
Over the years the quality of this series has become so good and steady, that i dont even have to think about buying the newest, as it's just always fun and good for 20 or more hours of addictive gameplay.

Zelda fans, buy this.. but you already have it off course. And for the newcomers to the Zelda franchise, this is'nt a bad one to start with. But then again, it really doesnt matter what game you start with. You'll have a blast non the less