i have played this and all the other game boy/color zeldas,so c what i have to say.....

User Rating: 7.7 | The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons GBC
hmmmmmmm.....what im saying is hard to describe.....all the other gameboy color zeldas (not gameboy like link to the past/four swords for ex)had that really old school feel.while this is a perfectly good zelda game that i enjoy crushing for the 100th time,it disheartens me that while u have the warp pads after a mini boss,and a trading process,u can control seasons..........its posatively ridiculous.who the heck would want to control seasons as opposed to other things??sigh.its still a ok game though,and its score was boosted royaly because of one little thing:value. all zelda games have grand value if in a collection,and i have like a dozen or two zelda games,and this fits in the worsed.Oh,and sumthing for all u zelda junkies:nobody wants or needs to fight aquamentus,digdogger,manhadla,or any of those guys again.nuff said Skalokos _-_-_- _-_-_-