Zelda BotW has all the familiar charterisitcs of the best and worst in open world games

User Rating: 8 | The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild WIIU

IMO Nintendo's games are on their own scale because we all expect excellence from a developer with infinite resources (EAD) and on that note this game is a solid 8.5. You can round up or down from that based on nit picking. For me my concerns proved true and there's hardly a story. On top of that the music is so sparse it feels like you could be playing on mute.

Nintendo, like Konami with MGSV, focused on satisfying but eventually repetitious gameplay. Both companies sacrificed tight narratives in doing so. This could be a modern curse for Open World games. In Nintendo's case they also withheld on voice acting which just makes them look cheap in today's market. For instance Mario (Mario 64) talks more but has less lines of dialog. It's 2017 and Link still doesn't have a voice? Charles Martinet is perfect for Mario and so many other Nintendo staples why hold Zelda back in this area?

If you've played Fallout 3, 4 and MGSV you'll know what to expect. It's none of those games in terms of story but in gameplay it's satisfying just not ground breaking. Certainly not a 10.