Bleh... I've played better. Probably a good JRPG, but I didn't stick around to find out.

User Rating: 6.5 | The Last Remnant PC
We've all played or experienced a Square Enix game before and one thing you can always count on is it'll be either hit or miss. Even some of the misses have something that makes them a bit enjoyable and at least makes you want to play those games through. However, "The Last Remnant" is just not one of those games for me.

While playing Square Enix's "The Last Remnant" the first thing I noticed was the voice acting. In this game, it's atrociously cheesy. I was literally grinding my teeth while some of the characters were talking.

Second on my list is the graphics. I cranked my computer to full res and threw the settings into full swing and then.... eh. While the environments both in and out of battle settings were pretty sweet, I thought it could have been better on the pc even if it is a port. But I wasn't disappointed, (because I knew it was a port) the graphics were worthy.

Next is the battle sequences. Neat and crisp. All of the many characters I was forced to fight didn't slow the computer down at all, which was kind of surprising. Many games have attempted at making the smoothest all out war games before and always ran into problems with choppy, rough game-play. So, Kudos to the square team.

Next is a very Important key factor for me. PREDICTABILITY. This game is way too predictable. I've seen square do just fine at throwing their gamers for a loop at a surprise sub-boss fight, but this game... uh uh no way. You can call it from a mile away. Boo.

Back to the future. Please, this is 2010, stop with the random battling/ fade to black screen, then fight, please. I'm sure the reason for this game having it is because of the 'all out war' aspect but seriously, let's progress not regress. I know, I know some of the greatest classics are random battles, and I still play those games even these days, but I'm also over it! lol.

Lastly, wandering through cities, etc was kind of cool. you can either travel on foot or just bring up a menu to go to the next part of town, I kind of liked that, but it also takes away from the exploration factor doesn't it? Hmmm..

This isn't a full review of the game as I just could not bring myself to play it for more than 4 hours. This is based on first impressions. I suppose it could be a decent game, especially if you're a youngster just getting into RPGs, but for a seasoned vet looking for new and innovating game from square, you might just feel like you've already been there and done that.

So, good luck, hope this short review helped.