SquareEnix nailed it in this one!! And the sublime usage of the Unreal3 engine, need I say more??

User Rating: 8.5 | The Last Remnant PC
SquareEnix used quite an amazing engine for this project (Unreal3). The graphics are out of this world! Couple that with very cool turn-based gameplay and you will have yourself a blast. Most may say that turn-based combat is totally terrible, but when these guys go throwing in a nifty critical trigger system to perform powerful moves at cool moments, with the transition between turns being incredibly fast, then I think that this makes for quite the lovely experience.

Now... the music. Thus far I've been playing this title for a very short time by rpg standards (10hrs max.) and I can say with absolute certainly that this symphonic score can put Mozart and Beethoven to shame! Lovely soothing music most of the time when exploring and when the dynamic music checks in during battles things become quite intense with the rock-ish overtones and the trance-like influences in some of these tracks.

Lastly, a word of advice when it comes to playing this game. Provided you can hack it, play it on the PC... Provides for the best experience all-around.