A Story of Revenge

User Rating: 10 | The Last of Us Part II PS4

I Hear a lot of people aren't linking this game, mainly only for the story.

I'm really not sure what people expected to happen in a post apocalyptic world, you don't expect great things to come out of black mirror or the walking dead... things happen in these worlds and this game gives you more of a real feel for this world like the first game did, just in a different way.

This game sort of gave me the feeling like this situation would,

EXAMPLE: Your girlfriend cheats on you and you regrettably ask what happened.... its a story you really need more information about but finding out that information doesnt help anything and you wish you wouldn't have asked.

After Finishing the game I kept thinking F, I don't know if I even want to play it again. My apple watch would occasionally alert me that my heartrate rose over 110 BPM. It definitely makes you feel something just like the first game did but with different emotions. Maybe that's why people are having issues with it. They wanted more emotions like the first game gave them... I did as well... but after finishing it and sleeping on it I definitely will play it again... I came out thinking this story was to show you that without forgiveness you worm yourself down a rabbit hole that risks your relationship with everyone else around you. Its when you forgive people and heal that truly brings you peace. yes one relationship ended but because of revenge many others did as well and you lost even more than just one person, you can even end up losing parts of yourself.


Abby lost many people because she wanted revenge for her father. She was taken by Rattlers and made a Slave. If Owen was there with them would they have been able to fight them off?

Ellie ended up going so far to lose her fingers from it.

WLF Isaac lost his life to fight the saraphites, many of the letters found seemed that the people were dragged into this war for revenge and in turn lost their lives. Isaac was going to kill Abby for helping them, thats how far he would go for revenge. Ruining every relationship on the way.

I got the feeling Abby was hardcore but meeting Lev and his sister became loving like Joel in the first game, Where Ellie turned into Abby from the beginning of the game. She was so stubborn to forgive she almost lost her own life and brought down a whole faction on her own basically.

There's probably way more that could be said...

But if Naughty Dog reads this

I Think You Did A Great Job, Some People Just Don't Understand.

Can't Wait For The HBO Show <3