a change is necessary

User Rating: 7 | The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III PC

I think there's almost no difference between first and third game. I had played and finished the first one about three years ago and then second one was released a year later. Of course i also wanted to try it but it was nearly same as former except some different quests but it was an absolutely inadequate reason to play a game having rpg elements. After that we saw that the third one was released because a year took and there must have been one more. Why do we say more? To be honest all the games are same. it's hard to tell games apart. Sorry at least we can say first, second and third :D I think Neocore Games must do something different, a little bit new, exciting and playable without getting bored and you don't need to make a game in as quick as lightning way. Please wait for some. Be cool. Don't produce them every year, make it once two years or more and i'm so sure that they will be absolutely better than the others ;)